Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Art Of SMART Blogging


Blogging isn’t as simple as sitting down in front of your laptop and typing away.

You can certainly start like that, but that type of approach can quickly become overwhelming and self-defeating as you find yourself meandering aimlessly and merely reacting to trends instead of actually having control over your work and your tasks.

Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) blog goals allows you to control your actions and gives you the necessary direction and motivation to do everything you need to do to make your blog a success. Here’s a recap of how to set SMART blog goals:

  • 1. Write down your long-term vision for your blog.
  • 2. Break them down into smaller goals.
  • 3. Plugin important deadlines in your calendar.
  • 4. Track your goals and evaluate your strategies at the end of each month.
  • 5. Revisit your goals every year.


Once you’ve set your blog goals and have a system in place for tracking them and assessing where you are with these goals, the next thing you need to do is to stick to these goals. Here again, are some tips to help you do just that.

  • 1. Keep your goals visible in your workplace.
  • 2. Don’t take on too many goals at the same time.
  • 3. Focus on your priorities.
  • 4. Find a blogging tribe.
  • 5. Be consistent.
  • 6. Commit.

Make Connections With 12 Influencers And Feature Them On Your Blog

  • Influencers are an important part of your content marketing strategy.
  • Pick one person every month and engage with them. Use these 12 tactics to build a relationship with them.
  • Then, when the time is right, feature them. You can link to their post, or get a quote from them, for example.
  • Let them know about it when it’s published, and see if they will share.
  • One year from now you’ll have 12 valuable relationships you don’t have now – how does that sound?

Different bloggers, different goals.

  • Every single blogger has different reasons why they started blogging.
  • Some want to make money. Others want to improve their writing and research skills. Still, others want to gain authority in their field or industry.


The Importance of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication || Personal Development || Professionalism Without communication, nothing can get done. Communication is how we ...